Emergency Management Preparedness Solutions for Critical Infrastructure Operators

Santa Clara Valley Water, Rinconada Water Treatment Plant
Disaster management and emergency response consultant NPA helps critical, lifeline infrastructure providers develop emergency preparedness plans and programs.
We have met challenges for power, transportation and water agencies. Our staff thoroughly understand the interrelationships of key infrastructure and the potentially cascading effects when critical systems fail.
NPA has delivered multiple disaster management and emergency response solutions to improve the resiliency of critical infrastructure through planning, exercises and assessments. Representative projects that NPA has supported are listed by functional area.
Disaster Management and Emergency Response Plans for Water Storage, Treatment and Distribution

Valley Co. Water Distr. Treatment Plant, Baldwin Park, CA
NPA has completed vital disaster management and emergency response projects for large and small water districts. We offer disaster management preparedness planning services, including water treatment plant emergency response plans.
Specific projects have included developing American Water Infrastructure Act Compliant Emergency Response Plans, FERC and CalOES conforming Dam Emergency Action Plans and seismic assessments.
NPA has also supported developing and delivering, training and exercise programs for water organizations. Selected projects include the following examples.
- Valley County Water District Seismic Assessment: Developing a unique seismic analysis of the District’s physical plant to earthquake induced damage. The analysis includes a Level II Hazus analysis base on potential earthquake events and a structural review using FEMA assessment guidance. The result will be a comprehensive report the District can use to justify resiliency grant applications and support benefit/cost analysis for them.
- Santa Clara Valley Water, Anderson Dam, Temporary Construction Emergency Action Plan: Developed a Temporary Construction EAP for submission to FERC prior to the start of construction for the $400M Anderson Dam Tunnel Project.
The EAP, which is required to begin construction, addresses mitigating safety consideration associated with this massive project.
- California Water Service, Bear Gulch Dam Emergency Action Plan: Created a dam EAP to meet Cal OES requirements developed after the near failures of the Oroville Dam.
- Hesperia Water District, Emergency Response Plan: NPA is developing the ERP for the Hesperia Water District to meet the requirements of the American Water Infrastructure Act (AWIA).
Power Failure/Shutoff Contingency Plans

PG&E Power Outage Map during 2019 PSPS
NPA developed power failure contingency plans in response to the recent public safety power shutoff processes implemented by Pacific Gas and Electric and Southern California Edison.
These included detailed, actionable plans for cities and counties to prepare for and respond to a long-term loss of power.
The plans include an overview of the PSPS process, describe emergency power for critical facilities and address ADA and populations with access and functional needs. The plans also provide a time-phased response checklist for emergency management staff to follow.
Over the past two years, we have delivered long-term loss of power/PSPS plans for the following organizations:
- City of Redwood City
- City of San Carlos
- City of Fairfield
- Inyo County
- City of Hermosa Beach